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E&V Development Services - your reliable partner for project sales

Project sales Potsdam & Brandenburg

E&V Projekte supports property developers right from the start: Our commercial team will support you in your search for a suitable building plot for your project. Our project sales team will support you in preparing a needs analysis, a customised marketing concept and finally oversee the sale of the individual units.

The Development Services division specialises in brokering high-quality condominiums in new-build projects. Our tasks include advising you as a project developer on the flat mix, floor plan or fittings - we support you in realising your plans in line with the market. Our service also includes advising you on the division of an apartment block and the subsequent professional sale of individual condominiums.

Aktuelle Projekte


Neue Liebe in Potsdam

Das Ensemble besteht aus acht eleganten Stadtvillen, deren Architektur klassische Formen geschickt mit zeitgenössischer Moderne kombiniert, um ein zeitloses Gesamtkunstwerk zu schaffen.

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Nachhaltige Reihenhäuser in Potsdam-Nuthetal

In ruhiger Idylle am Waldrand erwarten Sie dreizehn attraktive Reihenhäuser für ein entschleunigtes Familienleben. Mit ihrer modernen Ausstattung sind die Häuser besonders energieeffizient.

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Ausstattung Reihenhäuser

Get in touch with us

Do you have a property enquiry? Do you need quick and competent support in financing your project? Get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you!

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