
Renting or buying in Potsdam and Brandenburg

A perspective from owners and tenants

When discussing housing options in Potsdam and Brandenburg, the question often arises: to buy or to rent? But the question also arises for owners: sell or rent? While selling a property is often seen as the primary option, it is also worth considering the advantages of renting. Ultimately, the decision depends on individual goals, needs and circumstances. If you are looking for a property in Potsdam or throughout Brandenburg, it is important to expertly assess the various options and make the most suitable choice for you.

In the current market environment, letting property is becoming increasingly important. Rising interest rates and regulatory hurdles, such as the laws on the energy transition in existing buildings (GEG), make buying a property a challenging task for some potential buyers, which is why some decide to rent. So let's take a closer look at why renting can be an attractive option and how current market trends are impacting the decisions of owners and tenants.

eigentümer unterschriebt Kaufvertrag
eigentümer unterschriebt Kaufvertrag


The landlord's perspective

Letting a property offers a number of advantages for owners. Renting can generate regular income, providing long-term stability and additional income streams. In addition, landlords retain control over their property and can use the rental income to pay off mortgages or finance further investments. However, additional value can also be generated through possible positive market changes. Letting also allows owners to benefit from tax advantages such as depreciation and income-related expense deductions. By letting long-term, landlords can also build long-term relationships with reliable tenants and secure a stable source of income.

Besichtigung Grundrisse


The tenant's perspective

Renting a property offers tenants flexibility in terms of location. Tenants have the freedom to adapt their residential or commercial situation according to their needs without committing to one location in the long term. In addition, renting offers financial ease, as housing per se does not require large investments or long-term financing plans. This allows tenants to utilise their financial resources more flexibly and potentially invest in other areas.

Ronald Meißner

Letting commercial property

"Demand for attractive commercial property is on the rise again. Particular attention is being paid to factors such as location, accessibility, sustainability and data speed. Interested parties are taking far more time in their search due to the generous supply."



The seller's perspective

For owners, selling their property often offers a final and financially attractive solution. Especially in a growing real estate market such as Potsdam and Brandenburg, good sales prices can be achieved, giving owners the opportunity to monetise their investment and free up capital. In addition, long-term obligations such as maintenance costs and tenant management are eliminated, reducing the financial and organisational burden.



The buyer's perspective

For buyers, purchasing a property offers the opportunity to build up assets and create a stable residential or commercial situation. Especially in a growing market and with available equity, property can be seen as a solid investment that offers long-term appreciation potential at best. The purchase also allows owners to organise their living situation according to their own ideas and create a permanent living solution that offers security and stability. In addition, owners can benefit from tax advantages such as subsidies for climate-friendly new builds or residential property for families.

Making the right decision - thanks to personalised advice

The decision between buying, selling, renting and letting property is not an easy one. In addition to individual preferences, established criteria such as the property's features, condition, location and current occupancy rate also play a decisive role. Our advisory services include a thorough analysis of these factors, taking into account the current market situation, in order to provide you with the best possible basis for decision-making.

As a long-standing and renowned property service provider in the region, we are aware of the diversity of your needs. In addition to properties for sale, our property portfolio also includes residential and commercial space for rent. With our extensive expertise and local knowledge, we are able to find customised solutions for your residential or commercial requirements. Our experts are on hand to understand your individual needs and help you find the right property solution - be it for buying, selling, renting or letting.

We are happy to advise you!

If you are looking to settle in Potsdam or Brandenburg, take the time to look at the various options and make the decision that suits you best.

Isabell Kruse

Letting residential property

"In times of rising interest rates and a volatile market situation, renting is particularly worthwhile. In the current market environment, there are also currently great opportunities to rent special properties in unique locations or to broker attractive rents. Thanks to our close network with our customers, we can ensure rapid mediation between prospective tenants and landlords, which has a particularly positive effect in a tight rental market."


The market situation in Potsdam and Brandenburg

Purchase and rental prices in Potsdam and Brandenburg - Find out more about current price and location developments as well as trends on the Potsdam and Brandenburg property market. The market reports "Residential property", "Residential and commercial properties" and "Office space" in Potsdam are now available for you.

Find out more


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